XXXIX FEstival

Voci D’Europa




Piccoli Cantori di Torino (Italy)
– Conducted by Carlo Pavese

The choir of the Piccoli Cantori di Torino, founded in 1972 by Roberto Goitre, is the nucleus of the association of the same name which includes a music school and numerous choral ensembles. It is currently made up of about 50 singers between the ages of 9 and 16.
From its foundation to today, the choir has collaborated with the most important Turin musical institutions (Teatro Regio, Lingotto Musica, Unione Musicale, MiTo Settembre Musica, OSN, OFT), has participated in concerts, festivals and reviews throughout Europe, created the international review Voices in motion now in its 11th edition and won a call from Creative Europe. He also sang with Elisa in 2011 and Robbie Williams in 2014, participated in national television programs, staged some chamber works and recorded numerous CDs, the last of which dedicated to Gianni Rodari and published by Feniarco.
The beginning of the musical partnership with the conductor Carlo Pavese, the pianist Gianfranco Montalto and the singer Marcella Polidori dates back to 2005.
Carlo Pavese, a musician from Turin, graduated in composition and choral music in his city and perfected in Stockholm with Gary Graden. He also attended Masterclasses of E. Ericson, T. Kaljuste, F. Bernius, R. Rasmussen and studied piano and conducting.
He founded and directed the Coro 900 of Turin, the Siryn Vocal Ensemble of Stockholm, the Torino Vocalensemble, he directed the Coro Giovanile Italiano for the three-year period 2017-2019. He is currently director of Coro G, founded in 2003, and since 2005 artistic director of the Piccoli Cantori di Torino Association, of its children’s choir, of its youth choir and of its music school.
He is invited by international festivals and courses as a teacher of conducting, interpretation and improvisation and as director of choral ateliers.
He directed some set-ups of chamber works at the Piccolo Regio in Turin and the Teatro Comunale in Bologna. He is a composer and arranger of choral music.
Art’n’Voices (Poland)

The Polish vocal ensemble Art’n’Voices was founded in 2010 and is made up of musicians who for years have been associated with the choral stage of Tricity, Wejherowo and the Gdańsk Academy of Music. The official home of the ensemble is the Kashubian-Pomeranian Museum of Literature and Music in Wejherowo.

The octet specializes in performing a cappella music. His repertoire includes music from different historical periods, from the Renaissance onwards, although more space is occupied by compositions of contemporary music, of which a significant part was written exclusively for the group.

The Art’n’Voices ensemble has been awarded several times at national and international competitions. Among the various awards we find ten Grand Prix awards, including the 11th International Choral Festival “Mundus Cantat” in Sopot (2015) and the National Festival of Contemporary Choral Music “Music Everywhere” (Gdansk, 2014). The ensemble has won two prestigious competitions within the European Grand Prix for choral singing: the Polifonico Guido d’Arezzo in Italy (2017) and Tolosako Abesbatza Lehiaketa in Spain (2019), where it won two first prizes.

In 2021, the Polish Phonographic Academy awarded Art’n’Voices the Frederic Award (also known as the Polish Grammy) for the album Midnight Stories, in the category “Album of the year – Contemporary Music”. Art’n’Voices was the first a cappella octet to receive this award from the Polish Music Industry.

So far, Art’n’Voices has released three albums: The Way of the Cross. With Christ at the Wejherowo Calvary (2013), which includes compositions by Anna Rocławska-Musiałczyk, leader of the ensemble; Art’n’Voices Live in Provence (2019), a recording of one of the concerts performed as part of a tour that was part of the Festival des Chœurs Lauréats in France, in which the best choirs and vocal ensembles in the world are invited. Art’n’Voices’ latest album, Midnight Stories, was critically acclaimed for its original compositions and precise execution. Thanks to the great variety of texts proposed by individual artists, each of the twelve engraved compositions shows its own vision in which, through various shots, the motif of nightfall and everything related to it is presented.

In addition, Art’n’Voices is the organizer of the ArteFonie Festival, which takes place every September in Wejherowo.

The octet successfully holds concerts throughout the country and in Europe, performing at various festivals and on independent tours.

Trio vocale UNIO (France)


Nato nel 2017, il trio vocale UNIO è specializzato nell’esecuzione di canzoni popolari provenienti da tutto il mondo.

“UNIO: in latino significa ‘unione’. Tre nude voci che si fondono in un unico canto. Tre identità sonore che uniscono le proprie differenze per comporre insieme un altro suono. Tre vibrazioni al servizio di un ora in cui assaporiamo tradizione, innovazione, avventura. La voce allora multipla, in tutti i suoi stati, diventa campo da gioco o campo delle emozioni. Ispirate da Jean-Pierre Vernant, potremmo quindi dire: «Entre les rives du même et de l’autre, le chant est un pont (Tra le sponde dello stesso e dell’altro, il canto è un ponte)» ”.

Ensemble vocale Pietro Allori (Italy)
– Conducted by Alessio Manca


The “Pietro Allori” vocal ensemble was born in 2021 with an almost exclusively youth formation, made up of about 35 mixed voices. Despite the young formation, it already boasts a rich sacred repertoire, which has Renaissance music at the center of his studio and then seeks its origins in Gregorian chant and its evolutions in romantic music.

Among the repertoire there is an in-depth study on the sacred works of Don Pietro Allori, a Sardinian composer of the twentieth century, whose name the choir takes its name, thus setting itself the goal of its dissemination and memory. Another jems of the ensemble’s repertoire are the compositions of the M° Don Antonio Sanna, a musician, director and master of the Sardinian sacred music scene of the late Twentieth century.

The ensemble already boasts several productions and collaborations such as with the Progetto Enarmonia, the Archiepiscopal Seminary of Sassari and with prominent Sardinian musicians. Its artistic direction is entrusted to the M° Alessio Manca, its founder and director.


Alessio Manca began studying the violin at the “G.Verdi” Musical Art Institute, under the guidance of Francesca Deriu. Subsequently, he continued his studies at the “L. Canepa” Conservatory of Sassari, under the guidance of Francesco Vargiu, with whom he graduated in 2001. In the same year he began his collaboration with the “M. De Carolis” Concerts Organisation, as orchestra professor, for the opera and symphonic season which is held every year at the Verdi theater in Sassari. He carried out concert activities in duo with the guitarist Gabriele Loriga, the organist Giovanni Solinas and the pianist M. G. Piras, with repertoires ranging from the baroque period to romanticism. He attended master classes with Felice Cusano, Vittorio Marchese, Franco Mezzena, Attilio Motzo and Agneska Marucha. From 2004 to 2007 he collaborated with the Orchestra of Young Interpreters of the Catalan
Countries under the direction of Salvador Brotons, participating in numerous concerts held at the Palau de la Musica in Barcelona. With the orchestra he realized the production of three CDs dedicated to Catalan authors. Since 2001 he has been artistic director of the Cantorum School “Pietro Allori” in Alghero, an association that aims to bring young musicians closer to choral practice. In the past he had important collaborations such as those with the Chorus of the Catholic University of Milan, and the internationally renowned Wilhelm Krumbach. In 2007 he obtained the second level specialist diploma, discussing the following thesis: “Mozart: from the consolidation of the
sonata form, to the stylistic perfection of the string quartet”, qualifying in June of the following year.

He subsequently taught violin at the “G. Verdi “of Alghero, and the comprehensive institute” P. Mossa “of Bonorva. He is co-founder of the” Progetto Enarmonia” Association, in which he holds the position of didactic referent. He holds the chair of violin and ensemble music for strings at the Liceo Classico, Musicale and Coreutico “D. Azuni” in Sassari. Since 2021 he directs the Vocal Ensemble “Pietro Allori”, of which he is the founder.

La Stagion Novella (Italy)

The vocal quartet “La Stagion Novella” was born in 2021 from an idea of the M° Angelo Castaldo and M° Roberto Milleddu, for the performance of some Reinassance polyphonic lauds on the occasion of the fourth edition of “Boghes & Organos, a review organised by the Historical Organs Laboratory of the Conservatory of Cagliari; for this first event the Quartet was joined by the organist Domenico Lavena and prepared by M° Lorenzo Zonca.
The Quartet, which is made up of young musicians who come from various and important choral experiences and beyond, was invited by the Municipal Administration of Nuragugume for the liturgical animation of the Christmas Mass, as a gift to citizens.
Once again, in collaboration with Domenico Lavena, it performed the concert “Il Teatro Divino” in the church of San Michele in Cagliari, accompanying the public on a path between lauds and Renaissance motets and compositions from the Baroque era, on the themes of Christmas and Passion.
Complesso Musica Antiqua (Porto Torres)
– Conducted by Laura Lambroni

The Complesso Musica Antiqua was founded in 1998. It has numerous polyphonic concerts and collaborations with instrumental groups to its credit. Its goal is to disseminate vocal music and its interaction with different instrumental solutions, investigating different repertoires, both ancient (medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music), taking part in productions such as Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s Te Deum H146 (2011) and at the Christmas Oratory BWV248 by JS Bach (2013), both romantic and modern, such as G. Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle (2010) and S. Dobrogosz’s Missa brevis in b-dur (2006). It collaborates artistically with the Coro Polifonico Turritano and has often participated in the International Festival of Polyphonic Music “Voci d’Europa”. Directed from its foundation until 2014 by M° Luca Sannai, it is now followed and directed by M° Laura Lambroni, under whose direction in 2015 it participated in the II edition of the International Sacred Music Competition “Irenè” in the city of Chivasso, ranking in 3rd place. Since 2016 it has been organizing the Choral Review “Polifonia e Traditzione in Sa Musica Sacra” annually, which takes place in Porto Torres during the Easter period and in which both polyphonic and traditional Sardinian choirs participate.


In 2014 she obtained the Second Level Academic Diploma in Piano, with chamber music orientation, at the “L. Canepa ”of Sassari. Since she was a child and in parallel with her music studies, she carries out an intense choral activity within the “Santa Cecilia” Polyphonic Association of Sassari, as chorister, substitute Maestro and Director of the White Voices section (activity concluded in 2016). She was a member of the Chamber Choir of the “L. Canepa ”of Sassari, directed by M ° Clara Antoniciello. Since 2011 she has been attending training courses for choir directors and singers of the FE.RSACO, under the guidance of nationally and internationally renowned conductors such as M ° Dario Tabbia, M ° Mauro Marchetti, M ° Marco Berrini , M ° Giorgio Mazzuccato, M ° Fulvio Rampi. In 2015 she finished the Triennial School of Choral Conducting “Il respiro ègià canto” in Turin, held by Maestro Dario Tabbia. In 2018 she concluded the International Higher School for Choir Directors in Arezzo, under the artistic direction of Maestro Lorenzo Donati. From 2012 to 2019 she was Professor of Choral Singing at the Università per le Tre Età of Sassari. Since 2013 she has been directing the Choir of the University of Sassari. Since 2014 she has been the director of the Coro Polifonico Turritano and in 2016 the Artistic Director of the International Festival of Polyphonic Music “Voci d’Europa”. She obtained second place with the Coro Polifonico Turritano at the 2014 Chivasso International Competition. Since 2014 he has been the Artistic Director of the Complesso Musica Antiqua, with which she obtained third place at the 2015 Chivasso International Competition. Since 2015 she has been director of the Madrigalisti Turritani madrigal ensemble; with the latter she achieves first prize (gold merit bracket) in the Sacred Polyphony section with Monographic Program, second place (gold merit bracket) in the Sacred Polyphony section with Historical program and a prize for the performance of the piece with the second more high average mark (Notre Père by M. Duruflé) at the XXXV National Choral Competition “Franchino Gaffurio” of Quartiano. She is the founder and director of the Choir of White Voices of the Coro Polifonico Turritano and of the Choir of White Voices “Crescendo Cantando” of the Santa Croce of Sorso Association.


She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Fe.R.Sa.Co (Sardinian Regional Federation of Choral Associations) for the Province of Sassari and was director of the Coro Giovanile Sardo in the two-year period 2018-2019. She is a piano teacher in the lower secondary school with musical orientation.

Madrigalisti Turritani (Porto Torres)
– Conducted by Laura Lambroni


Established in 1999, the Madrigalisti Turritani Association is made up of singers whose intent is to revive the performance practices and masterpieces of music of the past for the rediscovery of a Renaissance and Baroque polyphonic repertoire. Since then it has always been integrated, depending on the repertoire to be performed, passing from solo training to chamber vocal group up to a maximum of sixteen elements. The Madrigalisti Turritani have become the protagonists of prestigious concerts and tours, in Italy and abroad, which have witnessed the success of this vocal ensemble and enhanced the artistic quality of the repertoire presented, which includes pieces by authors of the Renaissance and Baroque period, as well as compositions of contemporary musicians. From 2000 to 2006 the ensemble performed at the Festival Internazionale di Musiche Polifoniche “Voci d’Europa” in Porto Torres, in 2000 at the Concordia Vocis Review in Cagliari, in 2002 in Orval (Belgium) and at the International Festival of Voices of Europe. in Bastia (France). In 2006 it organized, in co-production with the Coro Polifonico Turritano, and performed concerts in Rome and Sardinia, in which unpublished pieces of polyphony for choir and orchestra and magnificent pieces of Sardinian folklore were performed. It organized the Music School for young people, so that they can learn the basics of choral singing and become future singers. In 2008 it participated in the Choral Music Festival “Nella Città dei Gremi” in Sassari, and in the Tresnuraghes Choral Singing Festival organized by FER.SA.CO.


In 2009 it organized the solidarity event “Un Canto Per Ricostruire” in favor of an Abruzzo’s Choral, in the cities of Sassari, Porto Torres and Alghero and, in coproduction with two other choral associations, it performed the “Gloria Op. 589” by A. Vivaldi. It participated in the “Notte dei Musei 2010” at the Antiquarium Turritano in Porto Torres, organized by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage. In May 2017 the ensemble participated in the 35th edition of the National Choral Competition of Quartiano (LO), obtaining a First Prize, a Second Prize and a Special Prize, in the Sacred Polyphony category, Monographic and Historical program. In 2018 it participated in the VII edition of the “Musica Maestro” review and organized, with the Diocese of Tempio Ampurias, the Confraternity of Santa Croce in Castelsardo and the Antiquarium Turritano of Porto Torres, “Polyphonic Nuances” in Castelsardo and Porto Torres. In 2019 it participated in the “Monumenti Aperti” event, both in Sassari and Porto Torres, and partecipated as a workshop choir in the seminar organized by the Corale Rossini on the theme of Baroque and Renaissance singing. Since January 2016, the Artistic Director of the Association has been Maestro Laura Lambroni.


In 2014 she obtained the Second Level Academic Diploma in Piano, with chamber music orientation, at the “L. Canepa ”of Sassari. Since she was a child and in parallel with her music studies, she carries out an intense choral activity within the “Santa Cecilia” Polyphonic Association of Sassari, as chorister, substitute Maestro and Director of the White Voices section (activity concluded in 2016). She was a member of the Chamber Choir of the “L. Canepa ”of Sassari, directed by M ° Clara Antoniciello. Since 2011 she has been attending training courses for choir directors and singers of the FE.RSACO, under the guidance of nationally and internationally renowned conductors such as M ° Dario Tabbia, M ° Mauro Marchetti, M ° Marco Berrini , M ° Giorgio Mazzuccato, M ° Fulvio Rampi. In 2015 she finished the Triennial School of Choral Conducting “Il respiro ègià canto” in Turin, held by Maestro Dario Tabbia. In 2018 she concluded the International Higher School for Choir Directors in Arezzo, under the artistic direction of Maestro Lorenzo Donati. From 2012 to 2019 she was Professor of Choral Singing at the Università per le Tre Età of Sassari. Since 2013 she has been directing the Choir of the University of Sassari. Since 2014 she has been the director of the Coro Polifonico Turritano and in 2016 the Artistic Director of the International Festival of Polyphonic Music “Voci d’Europa”. She obtained second place with the Coro Polifonico Turritano at the 2014 Chivasso International Competition. Since 2014 he has been the Artistic Director of the Complesso Musica Antiqua, with which she obtained third place at the 2015 Chivasso International Competition. Since 2015 she has been director of the Madrigalisti Turritani madrigal ensemble; with the latter she achieves first prize (gold merit bracket) in the Sacred Polyphony section with Monographic Program, second place (gold merit bracket) in the Sacred Polyphony section with Historical program and a prize for the performance of the piece with the second more high average mark (Notre Père by M. Duruflé) at the XXXV National Choral Competition “Franchino Gaffurio” of Quartiano. She is the founder and director of the Choir of White Voices of the Coro Polifonico Turritano and of the Choir of White Voices “Crescendo Cantando” of the Santa Croce of Sorso Association.


She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Fe.R.Sa.Co (Sardinian Regional Federation of Choral Associations) for the Province of Sassari and was director of the Coro Giovanile Sardo in the two-year period 2018-2019. She is a piano teacher in the lower secondary school with musical orientation.

Coro Polifonico Turritano (Porto Torres)
– Conducted by Laura Lambroni
Established in 1959, it is considered among the best Italian amateur choirs. Founded by Maestro Antonio Sanna, spread the passion for choral music throughout the territory. The choir has an intense artistic activity to his credit, with a repertoire that ranges from Gregorian chant to contemporary choral music, up to Sardinian folk-inspired music. It has 50 prizes on its showcase, including 9 first prizes (Arezzo, Gorizia, Tolosa, Vittorio Veneto, Zagarolo). It distinguished itself in performances of Gregorian and Renaissance music in various national contexts (Gorizia ’83, Arezzo ’84).

The choir participated in numerous festivals in Italy and abroad. Has recorded for Radio Cologne and RAI. It has recorded for the Fonè: the double CD “Coro Polifonico Turritano”, with music by Palestrina, which received prizes from Audio Records and Choq de la Musique; the CD “Su Concordu Turritanu”, which collects pieces composed by Maestro A. Sanna, inspired by Sardinian popular music, reviewed by the magazines “Suono” and “Cd Classics”; the CD “Ave Maris Stella” of medieval songs, attached to the volume “Il Regno di Torres”.
Under the direction of Maestro Luca Sannai, who continued the artistic commitment in the polyphonic and symphonic-choral field, the Choir achieved the successes of Vittorio Veneto and Zagarolo and performed: he Missa brevis in B-dur and the Missa brevis in F for solos, choir and orchestra of W.A. Mozart; Te Deum for solos, choir and orchestra by M. A. Charpentier; Oratorio di Natale BWV 248 of J.S. Bach. Since 2014 the artistic direction of the choir has been entrusted to Maestro Laura Lambroni, under whose guidance, during the same year, the choir reached the 2nd place at the 1st International Competition of Chivasso and participated as a laboratory choir in training courses for Choir directors held by the teachers D. Tabbia and M. Berrini. Recent productions for choir and orchestra include: Beatus Vir by C. Monteverdi; Dixit Dominus by A. Scarlatti; “The armed man:a mass for peace” by K. Jenkins, in collaboration with the Coro Polifonico Santa Croce of Sorso; the Mass in C major by J. Rheinberger.

Since 1979, it organizes the “Voci d’Europa” International Festival of Polyphonic Music, which includes the participation of the best European choral ensembles.

In 2014 she obtained the Second Level Academic Diploma in Piano, with chamber music orientation, at the “L. Canepa ”of Sassari. Since she was a child and in parallel with her music studies, she carries out an intense choral activity within the “Santa Cecilia” Polyphonic Association of Sassari, as chorister, substitute Maestro and Director of the White Voices section (activity concluded in 2016). She was a member of the Chamber Choir of the “L. Canepa ”of Sassari, directed by M ° Clara Antoniciello. Since 2011 she has been attending training courses for choir directors and singers of the FE.RSACO, under the guidance of nationally and internationally renowned conductors such as M ° Dario Tabbia, M ° Mauro Marchetti, M ° Marco Berrini , M ° Giorgio Mazzuccato, M ° Fulvio Rampi. In 2015 she finished the Triennial School of Choral Conducting “Il respiro ègià canto” in Turin, held by Maestro Dario Tabbia. In 2018 she concluded the International Higher School for Choir Directors in Arezzo, under the artistic direction of Maestro Lorenzo Donati. From 2012 to 2019 she was Professor of Choral Singing at the Università per le Tre Età of Sassari. Since 2013 she has been directing the Choir of the University of Sassari. Since 2014 she has been the director of the Coro Polifonico Turritano and in 2016 the Artistic Director of the International Festival of Polyphonic Music “Voci d’Europa”. She obtained second place with the Coro Polifonico Turritano at the 2014 Chivasso International Competition. Since 2014 he has been the Artistic Director of the Complesso Musica Antiqua, with which she obtained third place at the 2015 Chivasso International Competition. Since 2015 she has been director of the Madrigalisti Turritani madrigal ensemble; with the latter she achieves first prize (gold merit bracket) in the Sacred Polyphony section with Monographic Program, second place (gold merit bracket) in the Sacred Polyphony section with Historical program and a prize for the performance of the piece with the second more high average mark (Notre Père by M. Duruflé) at the XXXV National Choral Competition “Franchino Gaffurio” of Quartiano. She is the founder and director of the Choir of White Voices of the Coro Polifonico Turritano and of the Choir of White Voices “Crescendo Cantando” of the Santa Croce of Sorso Association.
She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Fe.R.Sa.Co (Sardinian Regional Federation of Choral Associations) for the Province of Sassari and was director of the Coro Giovanile Sardo in the two-year period 2018-2019. She is a piano teacher in the lower secondary school with musical orientation.
Festival Voci d'Europa


Porto Torres
Santa Maria Coghinas
Monteleone Rocca Doria

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